Jetta R-Line
By: j.wilder
2019 Volkswagen Jetta R-Line. Sony a6000. Settings f/9 1/160 ISO100 36mm. Photo by j.wilder.
Car Photography Lab
I learned about an interesting location from someone on Instagram.
The location is clearly urban with a sense of mystery and exploration.
My goal was to see what I could come up with at the same location.
Next time I go back to this location I already know of at least one shot that works well.
I have access to a 2019 Volkswagen Jetta R-Line and I thought it would be a good subject for the urban location.
I tried positioning the car at various points along the sloped alleyway until it was fully in the shadow, but still at a high position.
I tried a low shot and a high shot while standing directly in front of the car. I also tried a front three-quarter shot.
I chose this shot because it evoked a stronger feeling than the others. Ultimately, that's what I want from my photos.
The sky was bright but the car was in the shadows.
Having bright and dark areas in a composition is a common problem.
In this case, I wanted to keep the bright blue color of the sky, so the car was going to be dark. I was fine with the car being a bit shadowy.
One thing that wasn't a challenge was positioning the car. It really helps when you have a partner in the car.
I have included a few more photos along with some thoughts.
This three quarter shot looks nice, but the composition is not as dramatic.
This shot was too low. The building in the background wasn't as impressive.
I like the camera height, but I was standing a little too close to the car on this shot.
The main goal for this car photography lab was to evaluate the location and see what shots I could come up with. It's a good idea to have an inventory of locations for future opportunities.
Other exercises might be to try a longer focal length, such as 50mm or see what this spot looks like at night.
Another interesting tip is to go to the manufacturer's website and look at their photo gallery for the specific make and model. It might give you some composition ideas, since they probably paid a lot of money to get those shots.
Interesting exercise: What car brand would fit best in this scenario?
If you are new to photography you might want to check out this article that focuses on Car Photography Tips for Beginners.
Keep shooting.